Mastering Your Estimated Quarterly Tax Payments

Are you a freelancer, self-employed, or a small business owner? If so, you might be familiar with the concept of estimated quarterly tax payments. Don’t let the term scare you – it’s actually a helpful way to manage your taxes throughout the year. In this blog post, I’ll break down everything you need to know […]

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Home Office Tax Deduction: How Does It Work?

Are you self-employed? Do you own an LLC? If so, you may be able to take a home office tax deduction. This can be a great way to save money on your taxes, but it’s important to understand how the deduction works. In this blog post, I will discuss the basics of the home office […]

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4 Year-End Money Moves for Middle to High Income Entrepreneurs

If you are a Middle to High Income Entrepreneur, you are most likely looking for some strategies you can take to lower your taxes.⠀ Here are 4 Year-End “Money Moves” you can take:⠀ Clean Up Your Bookkeeping – whether you’ve spent a lot of money this year or not, if you’re bookkeeping is unorganized, you […]

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